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Toutes les photos ont été réalisées au "Jardin dans les nuages" et nous avons été attentifs à ce qu'elles restituent parfaitement les nuances de couleurs des plantes et fleurs

Nous vous présentons sur cette page une sélection des hémérocalles fleurissant dans le jardin. Défilement par ordre alphabétique. Pour plus de rapidité dans vos recherches, consultez les différents onglets liés à cette page.

Depuis 2015 nous procédons à des croisements et vous trouverez sous l'onglet "semis" les principaux résultats obtenus.


Il s'agit seulement d'une  partie de notre collection......bonne découverte....

Across the Galaxy

Across the Galaxy

Across the Universe

Across the Universe

Admiral's Braid

Admiral's Braid

Agressively Feminine

Agressively Feminine

Aladdin's Genie

Aladdin's Genie

All American Plum

All American Plum

All American Windmill

All American Windmill

Amber Rhum

Amber Rhum

American Freedom

American Freedom

Angelic Messenger

Angelic Messenger

Annette Magic

Annette Magic

Angels Gather Around

Angels Gather Around

Angel walker

Angel walker

Annette's Magic

Annette's Magic

Appaloosa Heritage

Appaloosa Heritage

Apple Blossom White

Apple Blossom White

Aussie Delight

Aussie Delight



Aunt Leona

Aunt Leona

Autumn Attraction

Autumn Attraction

Autumn Concerto

Autumn Concerto

Autumn Memories

Autumn Memories

Autumn Soujourn

Autumn Soujourn

Baby Lemonade

Baby Lemonade

Ballerina Beautiful

Ballerina Beautiful

Ballroom Waltz

Ballroom Waltz

Bamboo Blackie

Bamboo Blackie

Banshee Baby Talk

Banshee Baby Talk

Banshee Love Call

Banshee Love Call

Beauty to Behold

Beauty to Behold

Bela Lugosi

Bela Lugosi

Believe in Miracles

Believe in Miracles

Bella Isabella

Bella Isabella

Belle Cook

Belle Cook

Betty Smith

Betty Smith

Betty Warren Woods

Betty Warren Woods

Bewitching Eyes

Bewitching Eyes

Beyond the Sky

Beyond the Sky

Blush of Spring

Blush of Spring

Big Bopper

Big Bopper

Big Lemonade

Big Lemonade

Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan

Black Jack Cherry

Black Jack Cherry

Black Plush

Black Plush

Black Velvet Baby

Black Velvet Baby

Blush of Spring

Blush of Spring

Blue Violet  Star

Blue Violet Star

Bonibrae Cotton Candy Swirls

Bonibrae Cotton Candy Swirls

Bonibrae the Freak

Bonibrae the Freak

Border Music

Border Music

Borgia Queen

Borgia Queen

Born to be Wild

Born to be Wild

Breath of Fresh Air

Breath of Fresh Air

Brenda Newbold

Brenda Newbold

Bric à Brac

Bric à Brac

Broadway Dazzler

Broadway Dazzler

Broadway Nights

Broadway Nights

Brocaded Gown

Brocaded Gown

Brockwood Black Kitten

Brockwood Black Kitten

Brockwood Ojo Pojo

Brockwood Ojo Pojo

Brooklyn Twist

Brooklyn Twist

Brown Witch

Brown Witch

Buddy's Black Jack

Buddy's Black Jack

Bullfrog Smooth

Bullfrog Smooth

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure

Butterfly Ballerina

Butterfly Ballerina

Cabbage Flower

Cabbage Flower

Caesar's Head

Caesar's Head

Calico Spider

Calico Spider

Calypso Green

Calypso Green

Cameroon Night

Cameroon Night

Canadian Goose

Canadian Goose

Can't Touch This

Can't Touch This

Cape Breton

Cape Breton



Carolyn Mann

Carolyn Mann

Cashmere Seduction

Cashmere Seduction

Cast a Spell

Cast a Spell

Caught Red Handed

Caught Red Handed

Cerulean Star

Cerulean Star

Charmed Life

Charmed Life

Chevron Spider

Chevron Spider

Chicago Weather

Chicago Weather

China Bride

China Bride

China Grove Plantation

China Grove Plantation

Chinese Charriot

Chinese Charriot

Chocolate Dreams

Chocolate Dreams

Christening Spirit

Christening Spirit

Chuck Wheeler

Chuck Wheeler

City of New Orleans

City of New Orleans



Comet Trail

Comet Trail



Concorde Nelson

Concorde Nelson

Connie Burton

Connie Burton

Cool Confection

Cool Confection

Cooler Than me

Cooler Than me

Copper Windmill

Copper Windmill

Cosmic Courrier

Cosmic Courrier

Creature of the Night

Creature of the Night

Crocodile Smile

Crocodile Smile

Curly Cinnamon Windmill

Curly Cinnamon Windmill

Curly Rosy Posy

Curly Rosy Posy



Dallas Star

Dallas Star

Dancing Summerbird

Dancing Summerbird

Dan Mahony

Dan Mahony

Dancy Nancy

Dancy Nancy

Daring Dilemma

Daring Dilemma

Dark Star

Dark Star

Daylily See His Glory

Daylily See His Glory

De Colores

De Colores

Dear Lady

Dear Lady

Deep Fire

Deep Fire



Destined To See

Destined To See

Dinett Sue

Dinett Sue

Divinely Blessed

Divinely Blessed

Don't Touch That

Don't Touch That

Double Ivory

Double Ivory

Double Dream

Double Dream

Doug Warner

Doug Warner

Dream Machine

Dream Machine

Dreamsicle Supreme

Dreamsicle Supreme

Duchess of Diamonds

Duchess of Diamonds

Ed Brown

Ed Brown

Edged with Kisses

Edged with Kisses

Egyptian Queen

Egyptian Queen

Elegant Candy

Elegant Candy

Elegant Harmony

Elegant Harmony

Elohin Terracotta

Elohin Terracotta

Ellis Powell

Ellis Powell

Eloquent Cay

Eloquent Cay

Essence of Royalty

Essence of Royalty

Ethel Bucola

Ethel Bucola



Evelyn Kloeris

Evelyn Kloeris

Evening Enchantment

Evening Enchantment

Evening Majesty

Evening Majesty



Fairy Summerbird

Fairy Summerbird

Fairy Tale Pink

Fairy Tale Pink



Fanciful Favorite

Fanciful Favorite

Fashion Police

Fashion Police

Felicia Grace

Felicia Grace

Feminine Intuition

Feminine Intuition

Femme Osage

Femme Osage



Fire Down Below

Fire Down Below

Fire Thrower

Fire Thrower

Fire from Heaven

Fire from Heaven



First Knight

First Knight



Flat Face Ivory

Flat Face Ivory

Flight of the Raven

Flight of the Raven

Flock of Doves

Flock of Doves

Florida's Garden Light

Florida's Garden Light



Fluttering Beauty

Fluttering Beauty

Follow Your Fancy

Follow Your Fancy

Follow Your Fancy

Follow Your Fancy

Forbidden Desires

Forbidden Desires

Forestlake Ragamuffin

Forestlake Ragamuffin

Forever Red

Forever Red

Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi

Frank Smith

Frank Smith

Frozen Jade

Frozen Jade

Fuchsia Fashion

Fuchsia Fashion

Full of Treasure

Full of Treasure

Fulva Flore Pleno

Fulva Flore Pleno

Garden Portrait

Garden Portrait

Get Jiggy

Get Jiggy

Gilded by Grace

Gilded by Grace

Gipsy Red Velvet

Gipsy Red Velvet





Going Green

Going Green

Golden Chimes

Golden Chimes

Golden Hibiscus

Golden Hibiscus

Golden Throne

Golden Throne



Grandma's Smile

Grandma's Smile

Granny Smith

Granny Smith

Grape Velvet

Grape Velvet

Graphic Heart

Graphic Heart

Great White Dove

Great White Dove

Great Smoky Mountain

Great Smoky Mountain

Greek Goddess

Greek Goddess

Green Dolphin Street

Green Dolphin Street

Green Mystique

Green Mystique

Green Revolution

Green Revolution

Green Widow

Green Widow



Halloween Kisses

Halloween Kisses

Halloween Trick

Halloween Trick

Happy Happy

Happy Happy

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Harry Barras

Harry Barras

Hearts of Fire

Hearts of Fire

Heather Grace

Heather Grace

Heaven's Gatekeeper

Heaven's Gatekeeper

Heavenly Dreams

Heavenly Dreams

Heavenly Angel Ice

Heavenly Angel Ice

Heavenly Pink Twister

Heavenly Pink Twister

Heavenly Realms

Heavenly Realms

Helen Boehm

Helen Boehm





Here my Love

Here my Love

Highland Lord

Highland Lord

Highland Summerbird

Highland Summerbird

Hog Heaven

Hog Heaven

Holiday Frills

Holiday Frills

Holy Guacamole

Holy Guacamole

Holyday in Pink

Holyday in Pink

Hopelessly Devoted

Hopelessly Devoted

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be

Howard Goodson

Howard Goodson

Huckelberry Candy

Huckelberry Candy



Imprint of Pleasure

Imprint of Pleasure

Ian Fleming

Ian Fleming

Ice Carnival

Ice Carnival

Ice Cream Emperor

Ice Cream Emperor

Icely Light

Icely Light

Icing on the Cake

Icing on the Cake

Ima Bigtimer

Ima Bigtimer

In a Blue Moon

In a Blue Moon



Indigo Edge

Indigo Edge



Innocent Blush

Innocent Blush

It's a Miracle

It's a Miracle

Italian Kaleidoscope

Italian Kaleidoscope

Ivory Finesse

Ivory Finesse

Jacky Kropf

Jacky Kropf

Jane Deaver's Dream

Jane Deaver's Dream

Janet and Bill

Janet and Bill

Jan's Twister

Jan's Twister



Jayne Lough

Jayne Lough

Jerry Hyatt

Jerry Hyatt

Jerry Pate Williams

Jerry Pate Williams

Jo Barbere

Jo Barbere

Jocelyn Oddity

Jocelyn Oddity

John Allgood

John Allgood

John Karl Seager

John Karl Seager

John Peat

John Peat





Kansas Kitten

Kansas Kitten



Keep on Looking

Keep on Looking

Kennesaw Mountain Hayride  003

Kennesaw Mountain Hayride 003

Kentucky Lucky

Kentucky Lucky

Key Lime Special

Key Lime Special

Key to my Heart

Key to my Heart

Kitty Wells

Kitty Wells

Knights in Velvet

Knights in Velvet

Kiss My Grits

Kiss My Grits

Knights in Velvet

Knights in Velvet

Kolan Deejay

Kolan Deejay



Lacy Lucy

Lacy Lucy

Lady Fingers

Lady Fingers

Lady Lyz

Lady Lyz

Lady Neva

Lady Neva

Ladybug Kay Hewitt

Ladybug Kay Hewitt

Ladybug Pathfinder

Ladybug Pathfinder

Larger Than Life

Larger Than Life

Last Lama

Last Lama

Last Snowflake

Last Snowflake

Laughing Skies

Laughing Skies

Lavender Spider

Lavender Spider

Ledgewood's Great Ambition

Ledgewood's Great Ambition

Ledgewood's Blue Crystal

Ledgewood's Blue Crystal

Ledgewood's Ringleader

Ledgewood's Ringleader

Ledgewood's Jumpstart

Ledgewood's Jumpstart

Lilly King

Lilly King

Lilting Belle

Lilting Belle

Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Linda Beck

Linda Beck

Little Taste of Heaven

Little Taste of Heaven

Lois Burns

Lois Burns

Lola Branham

Lola Branham

Lord of Riches

Lord of Riches

Lotsa Dots

Lotsa Dots

Lullaby Baby

Lullaby Baby

Lord of the Storm

Lord of the Storm

Magic Amethyst

Magic Amethyst

Magic of Oz

Magic of Oz

Magic Carpet Ride

Magic Carpet Ride

Magnificent Rainbow

Magnificent Rainbow

Mahogany Magic

Mahogany Magic

Malachite Prism

Malachite Prism

Maleny Debutante

Maleny Debutante

Mama's Cherry Pie

Mama's Cherry Pie

Mama's Hot Chocolate

Mama's Hot Chocolate

Mandarin Seas

Mandarin Seas



Mardi Gras Ball

Mardi Gras Ball

Marvin Shoup

Marvin Shoup

Mary Alice

Mary Alice

Mary Jane Carpenter

Mary Jane Carpenter

Mask of Eternity

Mask of Eternity

Mean Joe Green

Mean Joe Green

Meet Joe Black

Meet Joe Black

Mercury of Gascone

Mercury of Gascone

Me So Happy

Me So Happy

Mexico Beach

Mexico Beach

Mia Bella

Mia Bella

Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris

Millie Schlumpf

Millie Schlumpf

Minstrel Singer

Minstrel Singer

Mister Lucky

Mister Lucky

Moonlit Pirouette

Moonlit Pirouette

Moonlit Summerbird   028

Moonlit Summerbird 028

Mormon Spider

Mormon Spider

Moroccan Saphire

Moroccan Saphire

Mount Hermann Grace

Mount Hermann Grace

Night Breeze

Night Breeze

Night Wings

Night Wings

Nonas Garnet

Nonas Garnet

Ocean Child

Ocean Child

Open My Eyes

Open My Eyes

Orange Blossom Trail

Orange Blossom Trail

Orchid Elegance

Orchid Elegance

Orchids and Gold

Orchids and Gold

Our Friend Sally

Our Friend Sally

Over the Mountain

Over the Mountain





Pagan Rirual

Pagan Rirual

Paint The Town Red

Paint The Town Red

Papal Robes

Papal Robes

Paradise Royal Purple

Paradise Royal Purple

Parlor Game

Parlor Game

Parrots of the Carribean

Parrots of the Carribean

Passionate Prayer

Passionate Prayer

Patrician Splendour

Patrician Splendour

Patsy Bickers

Patsy Bickers

Patsy Cline

Patsy Cline

Paulette Miller

Paulette Miller

Peach Magic

Peach Magic

Peach Twister

Peach Twister

Peacock Maiden

Peacock Maiden

Peggy Jeffcoat

Peggy Jeffcoat

Persian Pattern

Persian Pattern

Persian Ruby

Persian Ruby

Pineapple Moon

Pineapple Moon

Pink Limeade

Pink Limeade

Pink Super Spider

Pink Super Spider



Planet Max

Planet Max

Platinum and Gold

Platinum and Gold

Poet's Reverie

Poet's Reverie

Polka Time

Polka Time



Potion For Passion

Potion For Passion

Prague Spring

Prague Spring

Pretzl Logic

Pretzl Logic

Princess Diana

Princess Diana

Princess Most Lovely

Princess Most Lovely

Princess of Wales

Princess of Wales

Pure Indulgence

Pure Indulgence

Pure et Simple

Pure et Simple

Purple Eyed Magic

Purple Eyed Magic

Purple Suspenders

Purple Suspenders

Purple Umbrella

Purple Umbrella

Quartz Rainbow

Quartz Rainbow

Rachael My Love

Rachael My Love

Racing The Moon

Racing The Moon

Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Rainbow Frost

Rainbow Frost

Rainbow Spangles

Rainbow Spangles

Ransom Note

Ransom Note

Raven's Rage

Raven's Rage

Red Brocade

Red Brocade

Red Hot Shokalot

Red Hot Shokalot

Regal Puzzle

Regal Puzzle

Reggie Morgan

Reggie Morgan

Ribbons and Things

Ribbons and Things

Rio Fiesta

Rio Fiesta

Robert Moyes

Robert Moyes

Rock Solid

Rock Solid



Romancing Summer

Romancing Summer

Romeo is Bleeding

Romeo is Bleeding

Rose Coloured Glasses

Rose Coloured Glasses

Rose Princess

Rose Princess

Roseate Stained Glass

Roseate Stained Glass



Round Midnight

Round Midnight

Royal Héron

Royal Héron

Royal Renaissance

Royal Renaissance

Ruby Spice

Ruby Spice

Ruby Spider

Ruby Spider

Sachsen Curls

Sachsen Curls

Sahara Sandstorm

Sahara Sandstorm

Sainte Croix

Sainte Croix

Salem Witch

Salem Witch

Salmon Ruffles

Salmon Ruffles

Samar Star Fire

Samar Star Fire

Santas Little Helper

Santas Little Helper

San Simeon

San Simeon

Scarlet Oak

Scarlet Oak

Scott Fox

Scott Fox

Sea Biscuit

Sea Biscuit

Seal of Approval

Seal of Approval

Sedona Square

Sedona Square

Sense of Wonder

Sense of Wonder

Serena Sunburst

Serena Sunburst

Serene Thoughts

Serene Thoughts

Shadow of the Pyramid

Shadow of the Pyramid

Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu

Shamrock Dew

Shamrock Dew

Shock Appeal

Shock Appeal

Siloam Art Work

Siloam Art Work

Siloam Jerome Pillow

Siloam Jerome Pillow

Siloam Ribbon Candy

Siloam Ribbon Candy

Siloam Hello Dolly

Siloam Hello Dolly

Singing With Angels

Singing With Angels

Sister Spider

Sister Spider



Small World Giant

Small World Giant

Smooth Talker

Smooth Talker

Smoky Mountain Autumn

Smoky Mountain Autumn

Snow Crystal 028

Snow Crystal 028

Solar Blast

Solar Blast

So Lovely

So Lovely

So Many Stars

So Many Stars

Southbound Odyssey

Southbound Odyssey

Spacecoast Behavior Pattern

Spacecoast Behavior Pattern

Spacecoast Butterfly Effect

Spacecoast Butterfly Effect

Spacecoast Cotton Candy

Spacecoast Cotton Candy

Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze

Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze

Spacecoast Extreme Fashion

Spacecoast Extreme Fashion

Spacecoast Fancy Dancer

Spacecoast Fancy Dancer

Spacecoast Gold Bonanza

Spacecoast Gold Bonanza

Spacecoast Heavenly Frills

Spacecoast Heavenly Frills

Spacecoast Passion Released

Spacecoast Passion Released

Spacecoast Picotee Prince

Spacecoast Picotee Prince

Spacecoast Princess Elite

Spacecoast Princess Elite

Spacecoast Rebell Yell

Spacecoast Rebell Yell

Spacecoast Royal Ransom

Spacecoast Royal Ransom

Spacecoast Scrambled

Spacecoast Scrambled

Spacecoast Sea Shells

Spacecoast Sea Shells

Spacecoast Shiner

Spacecoast Shiner

Spacecoast Willie Markus

Spacecoast Willie Markus

Spacecoast Royal Ransom

Spacecoast Royal Ransom

Special Candy

Special Candy



Spectral Elegance

Spectral Elegance

Spellbound Secret

Spellbound Secret



Spotted Fever

Spotted Fever



Star of India

Star of India





Stellar Double Rose

Stellar Double Rose

Strikingly Dramatic

Strikingly Dramatic

Stroll Over Heaven

Stroll Over Heaven

Sugar Glider

Sugar Glider

Summer wine

Summer wine

Sunshine Junkee

Sunshine Junkee

Sunday Sandals

Sunday Sandals

Sweet Old Man

Sweet Old Man

Sweet Tranquility

Sweet Tranquility

Symmetrical Perfection

Symmetrical Perfection



Techny Spider

Techny Spider

Temptation's Kiss

Temptation's Kiss

Tequila Mockinbird

Tequila Mockinbird

Tetra Skinwalker 065

Tetra Skinwalker 065

The Dominator

The Dominator

Tie Die Skies

Tie Die Skies

Tigereye Spider

Tigereye Spider



Time For Eternity

Time For Eternity

Total Look

Total Look





Triple Cherries

Triple Cherries

Tropical Hot Flash

Tropical Hot Flash

Tropical Pirate

Tropical Pirate

True North

True North

Two Part Harmony

Two Part Harmony

Under The Gun

Under The Gun

Unending Melody

Unending Melody

Unusual Revelations

Unusual Revelations

Vanilla Fluff

Vanilla Fluff



Velvet Eyes

Velvet Eyes

Verdant Spring

Verdant Spring

Vermell Livingston

Vermell Livingston



Victorian Lace

Victorian Lace

Vintage Velvet

Vintage Velvet

Violet Becomes You

Violet Becomes You

Violet Light

Violet Light

Violet Stained Glass

Violet Stained Glass

Violet Veil

Violet Veil

Vision of the Night

Vision of the Night

Voodoo Dancer

Voodoo Dancer

Wanda Doma

Wanda Doma

Watchyl Dreaming Purple

Watchyl Dreaming Purple

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Wilson Spider

Wilson Spider

Wind Frills

Wind Frills

Winter Romance

Winter Romance

Winter Springs

Winter Springs

Winter Treasure

Winter Treasure

Winter in Eden

Winter in Eden

Winter's Crown

Winter's Crown

Wiregrass Greenstar

Wiregrass Greenstar

Wisest Of Wizard

Wisest Of Wizard

Wolf Eyes

Wolf Eyes

Woman at the Well

Woman at the Well

Wonder worker

Wonder worker

Wonder of it All

Wonder of it All

Woodlea Wonder

Woodlea Wonder

Worth It All

Worth It All

Wren's Song

Wren's Song

Written on the Wind

Written on the Wind

© 2017-2022 Jardin dans les nuages. Réalisation/gestion site: Jacques Rousseau. Proudly created with

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